The New Stuff

Getting sick is a part and parcel of childhood. It’s a tough time which every parent has to go through, especially mothers. These are some of the common childhood diseases. Some of these can be prevented by immunization. Some may are serious, some are very rare, some are common. Small or big illness, always consult a good pediatrician when your child fall sick for necessary treatment.

•    Chickenpox is a very common disease that occurs among children as well as adults. It occurs in different ways in different children. Some kids get it as a few spots on their body while others might get spots on entire body.

•    A child might normally have eight colds or more per year. This is because young children may not have enough immunity like adults to many kinds of cold viruses. All of them build up immunity gradually. Coughs and ear infections may also occur in kids.

•    Croup is common for young kids under five. This is not a serious condition. An inflammation is caused by viruses which cause common cold.

•    Diarrhoea and vomiting are something that is common among children.

•    When your kid has over 37.5 degree celsius, he/she has a fever. You may get worried, but it’s common and won’t be harmful usually.

•    Food allergies are common in kids especially when its new food like food from a restaurant or somewhere other than home. If there is a family history of eczema, hay fever, asthma or food allergies, your kid will be prone to food allergy.

•    Measles is common among children between three and five. Adults too can get measles if they haven’t been vaccinated before. It is infectious and is a serious condition.

•    Mumps is another viral infection which is contagious. It is common among kids between five to fifteen. Nowadays there is effective immunization and mumps is not so common.

•    Rubella which is also called as German Measles was also a common disease among children. Usually, it is a mild infection caused by the Rubella Virus. Fortunately it’s very rare now due to the MMR Vaccination.

•    Whooping cough is a serious condition if your kid is a baby, a few months old or less than one year. It is also called as ‘Pertussis’ and is highly contagious. It is bacterial infection of airways in the body and lungs. Babies have a great risk of infection so they need vaccine, at least two doses. 

Common Childhood diseases

Getting sick is a part and parcel of childhood. It’s a tough time which every parent has to go through, especially mothers. These are some of the common childhood diseases. Some of these can be prevented by immunization. Some may are serious, some are very rare, some are common. Small or big illness, always consult a good pediatrician when your child fall sick for necessary treatment.

•    Chickenpox is a very common disease that occurs among children as well as adults. It occurs in different ways in different children. Some kids get it as a few spots on their body while others might get spots on entire body.

•    A child might normally have eight colds or more per year. This is because young children may not have enough immunity like adults to many kinds of cold viruses. All of them build up immunity gradually. Coughs and ear infections may also occur in kids.

•    Croup is common for young kids under five. This is not a serious condition. An inflammation is caused by viruses which cause common cold.

•    Diarrhoea and vomiting are something that is common among children.

•    When your kid has over 37.5 degree celsius, he/she has a fever. You may get worried, but it’s common and won’t be harmful usually.

•    Food allergies are common in kids especially when its new food like food from a restaurant or somewhere other than home. If there is a family history of eczema, hay fever, asthma or food allergies, your kid will be prone to food allergy.

•    Measles is common among children between three and five. Adults too can get measles if they haven’t been vaccinated before. It is infectious and is a serious condition.

•    Mumps is another viral infection which is contagious. It is common among kids between five to fifteen. Nowadays there is effective immunization and mumps is not so common.

•    Rubella which is also called as German Measles was also a common disease among children. Usually, it is a mild infection caused by the Rubella Virus. Fortunately it’s very rare now due to the MMR Vaccination.

•    Whooping cough is a serious condition if your kid is a baby, a few months old or less than one year. It is also called as ‘Pertussis’ and is highly contagious. It is bacterial infection of airways in the body and lungs. Babies have a great risk of infection so they need vaccine, at least two doses. 

You get a hiccup when you are not breathing normally. But it’s not usually a serious problem. It will stop by itself within a short time. Sometimes if it lasts long, there are some tips to cure hiccups or you have to see a doctor and treat it.


•    Sipping very cold water will stop your hiccups.

•    Holding your breath for some time can also be effective.

•    Other methods that work are biting a lemon, swallowing sugar that is granulated, tasting vinegar and breathing to a paper bag.

•    Eating a spoonful of peanut butter or sipping some ketchup or honey or even chocolate can be helpful.

•    Other methods are pulling knees till your chest and leaning forward to compress chest. 

Tips to cure hiccups

You get a hiccup when you are not breathing normally. But it’s not usually a serious problem. It will stop by itself within a short time. Sometimes if it lasts long, there are some tips to cure hiccups or you have to see a doctor and treat it.


•    Sipping very cold water will stop your hiccups.

•    Holding your breath for some time can also be effective.

•    Other methods that work are biting a lemon, swallowing sugar that is granulated, tasting vinegar and breathing to a paper bag.

•    Eating a spoonful of peanut butter or sipping some ketchup or honey or even chocolate can be helpful.

•    Other methods are pulling knees till your chest and leaning forward to compress chest. 

Here are some tips to prevent Breast Cancer, one of the most common cancer types in women.

  • Maintain a healthy weight: Try to avoid getting overweight. Especially after menopause, obesity increases breast cancer risk. Keep your BMI under 25.

  • Eat healthy: Always eat healthy to live healthy. Include vegetables and fruits in your diet and avoid junk food, sugar drinks etc. Lean protein can be eaten such as fish or chicken. Better to avoid red meat or eat moderate. Take whole grains and use vegetable oils than animal fats.

  • Be physically active : It’s never too late to begin. Physical activity decreases risk of breast cancer up to 30 %. A simple exercise like walking for half an hour will be enough.

  • Avoid Alcohol: Alcohol is bad for men and women. If you don’t drink, good but if you do, limit.
  • Avoid Smoking: Smoking for long term should be avoided to avoid breast cancer.

  • Breast-feed: If you are a new mother or an expectant one, remember to breast feed your infants, at least a year. This reduces risk of breast cancer.

  • Avoid Menopausal Hormone therapy: Do not do hormone replacement therapy. This increases risk for cancer. If it’s a must, avoid the ones that have progesterone.

  • Do Check up regularly: Consult your doctor to decide which type of screening is required for you. Whether its mammogram or MRI, ultrasound etc. If you have high risk or family history, you have to remove your breasts or ovaries as your doctor says.

Tips to prevent Breast Cancer

Here are some tips to prevent Breast Cancer, one of the most common cancer types in women.

  • Maintain a healthy weight: Try to avoid getting overweight. Especially after menopause, obesity increases breast cancer risk. Keep your BMI under 25.

  • Eat healthy: Always eat healthy to live healthy. Include vegetables and fruits in your diet and avoid junk food, sugar drinks etc. Lean protein can be eaten such as fish or chicken. Better to avoid red meat or eat moderate. Take whole grains and use vegetable oils than animal fats.

  • Be physically active : It’s never too late to begin. Physical activity decreases risk of breast cancer up to 30 %. A simple exercise like walking for half an hour will be enough.

  • Avoid Alcohol: Alcohol is bad for men and women. If you don’t drink, good but if you do, limit.
  • Avoid Smoking: Smoking for long term should be avoided to avoid breast cancer.

  • Breast-feed: If you are a new mother or an expectant one, remember to breast feed your infants, at least a year. This reduces risk of breast cancer.

  • Avoid Menopausal Hormone therapy: Do not do hormone replacement therapy. This increases risk for cancer. If it’s a must, avoid the ones that have progesterone.

  • Do Check up regularly: Consult your doctor to decide which type of screening is required for you. Whether its mammogram or MRI, ultrasound etc. If you have high risk or family history, you have to remove your breasts or ovaries as your doctor says.

Yawning is your body’s way to express fatigue or tiredness. It maybe also due to less quantity of oxygen in your brain. A thought about yawning or seeing someone yawn might also be the reason. It also happens when you are bored, but you may not be in a situation to express it. So it can be embarrassing and may create a bad impression. So yawning in excess have to be controlled.

Here are a few tips to prevent yawning.

  • When you feel bored about your present situation, get involved in something interesting to you.

  • Drink one glass water as it will rehydrate and alleviate tiredness. So your body feel rejuvenated and yawning will be relieved.

  • Less oxygen and high carbon dioxide in lungs will make you yawn. Breathe more and reduce the carbon dioxide in your lungs.

  • Sleep well at night. As the adage says, a good sleep makes somebody healthy, later wealthy and wise. You feel fresh and active only if you had a good sleep at night. And you won’t get bored easily too.

  • Suppressing a yawn will only work in the opposite way.

  • If nothing works, apply common sense. Put your hand over your mouth. Do not stare at people who yawn.
  • If you have a heart problem, you may yawn. Treating your heart problem will reduce your yawning. Asthma or lung problems might also cause yawning. So you have to treat your illness.
  • If you are really tired and yawning continuously, better go to bed. An afternoon nap will prevent yawning. Closing your eyes and taking deep breaths will stop yawning.

  • If you are at office, you can go for a short walk or chat with friends when you feel too bored and starts yawning.

Tips to prevent excessive yawning

Yawning is your body’s way to express fatigue or tiredness. It maybe also due to less quantity of oxygen in your brain. A thought about yawning or seeing someone yawn might also be the reason. It also happens when you are bored, but you may not be in a situation to express it. So it can be embarrassing and may create a bad impression. So yawning in excess have to be controlled.

Here are a few tips to prevent yawning.

  • When you feel bored about your present situation, get involved in something interesting to you.

  • Drink one glass water as it will rehydrate and alleviate tiredness. So your body feel rejuvenated and yawning will be relieved.

  • Less oxygen and high carbon dioxide in lungs will make you yawn. Breathe more and reduce the carbon dioxide in your lungs.

  • Sleep well at night. As the adage says, a good sleep makes somebody healthy, later wealthy and wise. You feel fresh and active only if you had a good sleep at night. And you won’t get bored easily too.

  • Suppressing a yawn will only work in the opposite way.

  • If nothing works, apply common sense. Put your hand over your mouth. Do not stare at people who yawn.
  • If you have a heart problem, you may yawn. Treating your heart problem will reduce your yawning. Asthma or lung problems might also cause yawning. So you have to treat your illness.
  • If you are really tired and yawning continuously, better go to bed. An afternoon nap will prevent yawning. Closing your eyes and taking deep breaths will stop yawning.

  • If you are at office, you can go for a short walk or chat with friends when you feel too bored and starts yawning.

 If you have excessive burping, bloating, belching or flatulence, you have excessive gas. Preventing this might help you from embarrassing situations. Burp / belch happens from the mouth while flatulence or fart is from rectum and is intestinal gas. Bloating is gas in stomach that is not released and is troubling you. A bit of gas i.e burping or flatulence is fully normal but if you have it with pain and get foul smell it will be embarrassing for you. A few steps will help you from excessive gas.

1.    Do not eat foods that cause gas: Some fruits and vegetables like apple, onions, ice cream, milk, cheese etc. are known to cause gas. They have sugar, fibre, starch etc. which is not easily digestible and will cause gas. For some, drinking fizzy soft drinks, fruit drinks etc. will cause gas. Try to find out which is the factor. Keep an eye on what you eat. Eliminate the gas causer or eat it in lesser portions. Eat moderately, don’t pig out. Some food may not be good for some people. Keeping a food diary will help. Method of cooking will also affect. For e.g., steaming is a good method to cook.

2.    Drink some half an hour before a meal. Also eat slowly, drink slowly. Otherwise you may swallow air that cause you gas trouble. Take antacids or digestive aids.

3.    Activated charcoal is safe for human consumption and you can take in as a pill or a liquid for excess gas.

4.    Cut down bad habits like smoking, chewing gums, drinking via straw etc. These fills air to your body.

5.    Sugar free sweeteners can cause gas. But not all. Check the ones that cause and avoid them.

If you are gas is not normal, consult a doctor, preferably a gastroenterologist. Sometimes it might be causes of serious digestive problems like Lactose intolerance (the inability to digest sugar of milk and its products, lactose), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or even colon cancer. Belching frequently might be upper gastrointestinal disorders. If you recently had abdominal surgeries like hernia, please check with a doctor for your gas trouble.

Preventing Excessive Gas

 If you have excessive burping, bloating, belching or flatulence, you have excessive gas. Preventing this might help you from embarrassing situations. Burp / belch happens from the mouth while flatulence or fart is from rectum and is intestinal gas. Bloating is gas in stomach that is not released and is troubling you. A bit of gas i.e burping or flatulence is fully normal but if you have it with pain and get foul smell it will be embarrassing for you. A few steps will help you from excessive gas.

1.    Do not eat foods that cause gas: Some fruits and vegetables like apple, onions, ice cream, milk, cheese etc. are known to cause gas. They have sugar, fibre, starch etc. which is not easily digestible and will cause gas. For some, drinking fizzy soft drinks, fruit drinks etc. will cause gas. Try to find out which is the factor. Keep an eye on what you eat. Eliminate the gas causer or eat it in lesser portions. Eat moderately, don’t pig out. Some food may not be good for some people. Keeping a food diary will help. Method of cooking will also affect. For e.g., steaming is a good method to cook.

2.    Drink some half an hour before a meal. Also eat slowly, drink slowly. Otherwise you may swallow air that cause you gas trouble. Take antacids or digestive aids.

3.    Activated charcoal is safe for human consumption and you can take in as a pill or a liquid for excess gas.

4.    Cut down bad habits like smoking, chewing gums, drinking via straw etc. These fills air to your body.

5.    Sugar free sweeteners can cause gas. But not all. Check the ones that cause and avoid them.

If you are gas is not normal, consult a doctor, preferably a gastroenterologist. Sometimes it might be causes of serious digestive problems like Lactose intolerance (the inability to digest sugar of milk and its products, lactose), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or even colon cancer. Belching frequently might be upper gastrointestinal disorders. If you recently had abdominal surgeries like hernia, please check with a doctor for your gas trouble.

The present generations of Kids are at a higher risk to early obesity and diseases in childhood. The technologies like video games, computer games and the innumerable kids channels are making at least some to be couch potatoes. Lack of exercise and interest to playing outside will store unnecessary fat in their bodies and make them obese. Also the popularity of fast food is other cause. Watching TV or gaming sitting or lying on a couch regularly without any physical exercise will surely lead to obesity. There are some tips to prevent obesity for every age group.

Till Age 1: Breastfeeding is a must at least till age 1. It can prevent unnecessary weight gain. Breastfed babies will be healthier and get the ability to control intake of food, thought the reason is not known.
Ages 1 to 5: This is the best time of development. Teach good food habits by introducing him / her to healthy foods. Encourage their activities.

Ages 6 to 12: Encourage physical activities like walking, playing outdoor games, running etc. If they sports, encourage their sports skills as long as it does not take a toll on studies.

Ages 13 to 18: Fast food is a big problem now. It eats away your kid’s health by storing fat. Healthier choices like grilled chicken sandwich or salads have to be encouraged. Teach them to make healthy food and snacks. Keep them active.

All ages: Cutting down on time spend in front of TV, playing video game and with the computer is a way to prevent obesity. Kids should not eat watching the TV. Discourage as much as possible. Serve healthy foods. Eating meals together as a family will turn off the TV Syndrome to an extent. Encourage eating of fruits, vegetables etc. Limit intake of beverages sweetened with sugar. Do not skip breakfast.

More than anything be a model to your kids. There no use of teaching all this to kids and not practicing them yourself. They take after you. They observe you. So cultivate these habits yourself before asking your kids.

Tips to prevent Obesity in Kids

The present generations of Kids are at a higher risk to early obesity and diseases in childhood. The technologies like video games, computer games and the innumerable kids channels are making at least some to be couch potatoes. Lack of exercise and interest to playing outside will store unnecessary fat in their bodies and make them obese. Also the popularity of fast food is other cause. Watching TV or gaming sitting or lying on a couch regularly without any physical exercise will surely lead to obesity. There are some tips to prevent obesity for every age group.

Till Age 1: Breastfeeding is a must at least till age 1. It can prevent unnecessary weight gain. Breastfed babies will be healthier and get the ability to control intake of food, thought the reason is not known.
Ages 1 to 5: This is the best time of development. Teach good food habits by introducing him / her to healthy foods. Encourage their activities.

Ages 6 to 12: Encourage physical activities like walking, playing outdoor games, running etc. If they sports, encourage their sports skills as long as it does not take a toll on studies.

Ages 13 to 18: Fast food is a big problem now. It eats away your kid’s health by storing fat. Healthier choices like grilled chicken sandwich or salads have to be encouraged. Teach them to make healthy food and snacks. Keep them active.

All ages: Cutting down on time spend in front of TV, playing video game and with the computer is a way to prevent obesity. Kids should not eat watching the TV. Discourage as much as possible. Serve healthy foods. Eating meals together as a family will turn off the TV Syndrome to an extent. Encourage eating of fruits, vegetables etc. Limit intake of beverages sweetened with sugar. Do not skip breakfast.

More than anything be a model to your kids. There no use of teaching all this to kids and not practicing them yourself. They take after you. They observe you. So cultivate these habits yourself before asking your kids.

Dementia or memory loss might happen with age. Learn a few tips to reduce the risk of dementia.
Social Interaction is good to make your mind cheerful.  It reduces level of stress and gives a lower risk for memory loss. Loneliness will give a high rate of dementia.

High Blood Pressure and Low Cholesterol: Alzheimer’s disease is a very bad form of dementia and vascular diseases like stroke and heart diseases may cause AD or vascular dementia.

Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol: Smoking is bad for health in every way.  The memory and thinking skills of smokers are also worse than others. Heavy drinking of alcohol is also bad for memory.

Regular exercise: Physical activity is good for your body, muscles and maintains the blood flow to your brain. It reduces risk factors related to dementia.

Eat healthy: Eat greens and reduce foods with high saturated fat, cholesterol etc. Eat fish with omega-3 fatty acids like tuna or salmon which is good for brain.

Keep brain active: Challenge brain by reading, learning, writing, gardening or playing games that stimulate brain cells and give lower risk for dementia.

Tips to prevent dementia or memory loss

Dementia or memory loss might happen with age. Learn a few tips to reduce the risk of dementia.
Social Interaction is good to make your mind cheerful.  It reduces level of stress and gives a lower risk for memory loss. Loneliness will give a high rate of dementia.

High Blood Pressure and Low Cholesterol: Alzheimer’s disease is a very bad form of dementia and vascular diseases like stroke and heart diseases may cause AD or vascular dementia.

Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol: Smoking is bad for health in every way.  The memory and thinking skills of smokers are also worse than others. Heavy drinking of alcohol is also bad for memory.

Regular exercise: Physical activity is good for your body, muscles and maintains the blood flow to your brain. It reduces risk factors related to dementia.

Eat healthy: Eat greens and reduce foods with high saturated fat, cholesterol etc. Eat fish with omega-3 fatty acids like tuna or salmon which is good for brain.

Keep brain active: Challenge brain by reading, learning, writing, gardening or playing games that stimulate brain cells and give lower risk for dementia.