The New Stuff

Kitchen remedies for common pains


 Feeling ache or pain is common in our life. However, would you be able to take a medical kit aside you always…? Certainly, not..! So the ideal way would be about finding some assistance from kitchen world and put them to soothe the pain of the body. The wonder elements from your kitchen can really help you to heal common pains such as headache, knee pain and even menstrual cramps too.

Asafetida and Rock Salt: Take a pinch of asafetida and rock salt and mix both together followed by mixing with a glass of water. Well, doing so will help you to get away from stomach ache and you are required to continue the process at least three times a day for achieving the desired result.

Asafetida with Milk: The same mixture that we mentioned above can be used to heal of colic pain in babies as well. However, the one thing that you have to change this time is by replacing milk with water. It would give you instant relief from the severe condition.

Cloves: Well as you know, cloves are the most effective ones when it comes to healing toothache. You can either chew 1 or 2 cloves or can also go for heating the clove and placing it on your problematic teeth. This will really help you to get away from the continuous toothache that is caused by various reasons.

Mint Tea: Take a bunch of mint leaves and go for adding with a glass of hot tea. You can either go for this way or even make a dry powder out from the mint leaves. Add the powder while you make tea. The medication mentioned here works out really well with common headache and is indeed a popular one in this regard as well.

Turmeric with Honey: Take one teaspoon of turmeric powder and add it with one teaspoon of honey. You can then add this mixture into a glass of warm milk later. By doing so, you will be able to cure the pain in joints. However, the one thing that you have to take care now is to consume the same in the morning in an empty stomach.

Apple Cider Vinegar: Mix 1 teaspoon of raw apple cider vinegar with that of same amount of honey. Transform this into a glass of warm water. You are required to consume this twice a day in order to get relief from arthritis.

Grated Ginger: Nothing can beat ginger when it comes to curing muscle pain. You can go for adding slices of ginger root in 2 cups of water and boiling the same for some ten minutes of time. By consuming this solution, you are ensuring to heal all the pains related to muscle.

Honey: Honey has some great healing powers when it comes to treating mouth ulcer. Take 1 teaspoon of honey and go for massaging the ulcer affected areas in your mouth. Repeat the same process continuously for over one week, resulting in a complete cure to the problem.


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