The New Stuff

Common Childhood diseases

Getting sick is a part and parcel of childhood. It’s a tough time which every parent has to go through, especially mothers. These are some of the common childhood diseases. Some of these can be prevented by immunization. Some may are serious, some are very rare, some are common. Small or big illness, always consult a good pediatrician when your child fall sick for necessary treatment.

•    Chickenpox is a very common disease that occurs among children as well as adults. It occurs in different ways in different children. Some kids get it as a few spots on their body while others might get spots on entire body.

•    A child might normally have eight colds or more per year. This is because young children may not have enough immunity like adults to many kinds of cold viruses. All of them build up immunity gradually. Coughs and ear infections may also occur in kids.

•    Croup is common for young kids under five. This is not a serious condition. An inflammation is caused by viruses which cause common cold.

•    Diarrhoea and vomiting are something that is common among children.

•    When your kid has over 37.5 degree celsius, he/she has a fever. You may get worried, but it’s common and won’t be harmful usually.

•    Food allergies are common in kids especially when its new food like food from a restaurant or somewhere other than home. If there is a family history of eczema, hay fever, asthma or food allergies, your kid will be prone to food allergy.

•    Measles is common among children between three and five. Adults too can get measles if they haven’t been vaccinated before. It is infectious and is a serious condition.

•    Mumps is another viral infection which is contagious. It is common among kids between five to fifteen. Nowadays there is effective immunization and mumps is not so common.

•    Rubella which is also called as German Measles was also a common disease among children. Usually, it is a mild infection caused by the Rubella Virus. Fortunately it’s very rare now due to the MMR Vaccination.

•    Whooping cough is a serious condition if your kid is a baby, a few months old or less than one year. It is also called as ‘Pertussis’ and is highly contagious. It is bacterial infection of airways in the body and lungs. Babies have a great risk of infection so they need vaccine, at least two doses. 


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