The New Stuff

Benefits of Shamam Fruit (Cantaloupe)

Cantaloupe is a very tasty fruit rich in Vitamin A, Potassium and folate. It is high in beta-carotene, an antioxidant that is very good in reducing the risk of cataracts. It has very less calories and makes a perfect diet food. Use it after washing to prevent bacteria. 

The Fruit is musk-flavoured and is also known as muskmelon and belongs to the “Cucurbitaceae” Family. Popular vegetables like pumpkin and cucmber belong to this family. The origin of this fruit is debated to be in India or Africa or Persia.It is a fruit of the summer season like mangoes and the juice of muskmelon is nothing less than awesome.The fruit has several varieties too. The most common varieties are the European Cantaloupe and North American Cantaloupe. The name of the fruit is derived from the Italian Village “Cantalup”. The skin is basically pale green and fruit is orange-yellow. 

Health Benefits

This fruit is amazing for its innumerous health benefits. It’s not just delicious, but is much more.

·         The calories and fats are very low.( only 34 calories in a 100 g fruit)
·         Rich in vitamins and minerals that are essential (Excellent source of Vitamin A which is great for vision, also protect from oral, lung cancers)
·         Rich in antioxidants
·         Good source of Electrolyte and potassium (important for cell, body fluids and helps to keep blood pressure and heart rate in control)
·         B – Complex Vitamins, Vinamin C and Manganese


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