The New Stuff

Tips to prevent Breast Cancer

Here are some tips to prevent Breast Cancer, one of the most common cancer types in women.

  • Maintain a healthy weight: Try to avoid getting overweight. Especially after menopause, obesity increases breast cancer risk. Keep your BMI under 25.

  • Eat healthy: Always eat healthy to live healthy. Include vegetables and fruits in your diet and avoid junk food, sugar drinks etc. Lean protein can be eaten such as fish or chicken. Better to avoid red meat or eat moderate. Take whole grains and use vegetable oils than animal fats.

  • Be physically active : It’s never too late to begin. Physical activity decreases risk of breast cancer up to 30 %. A simple exercise like walking for half an hour will be enough.

  • Avoid Alcohol: Alcohol is bad for men and women. If you don’t drink, good but if you do, limit.
  • Avoid Smoking: Smoking for long term should be avoided to avoid breast cancer.

  • Breast-feed: If you are a new mother or an expectant one, remember to breast feed your infants, at least a year. This reduces risk of breast cancer.

  • Avoid Menopausal Hormone therapy: Do not do hormone replacement therapy. This increases risk for cancer. If it’s a must, avoid the ones that have progesterone.

  • Do Check up regularly: Consult your doctor to decide which type of screening is required for you. Whether its mammogram or MRI, ultrasound etc. If you have high risk or family history, you have to remove your breasts or ovaries as your doctor says.


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