The New Stuff

Tips to treat Psoriasis

Psoriasis though is considered almost incurable, the following are in practice to curb the disease. Well, go through them and select which suites to your needs the most.

Oil: Though not backed with any scientific explanations, the oil from the leaves of the tea tree plants are considered as one of the most effective home remedies for psoriasis. Just like that of tea tree oil, fish oil too is found to be quite effective in this regard. Thus, eating salmon, albacore tuna, and other fatty fishes are said to be really important in treating psoriasis, since they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. They all help to reduce inflammation.

Topical corticosteroids: They are considered as powerful anti-inflammatory drugs and are the most prescribed medications for treating mild psoriasis. They reduces inflammation, by slowing cell turnover and suppressing the immune system, which also results in relieving from associated itching.

Topical retinoids: Commonly used to treat acne as well as sun-damaged skin, it normalizes DNA activity in skin cells and may lead to decrease the inflammation. Since they are associated with sensitivity to the sunlight, you should apply sun cream before using them.

Vitamin D analogues: Like Topical Corticosteroids, these synthetic forms of vitamin D too slow down the growth of skin cells. Usually a cream or solution containing a vitamin D analogue, are the best ones prescribed for treating mild to moderate psoriasis. They are also used in combination with other topical medications as well. Two of the most used medications that include Vitamin D Analogues are Calcitriol and calcipotriene.

Anthralin: These will normalize the DNA activity in skin cells. However, anthralin is also found to be quite irritating for. Well, you are always advised to rinse the cream off soon after applying the cream on your skin.
We’ve mentioned some of the medications available in the market and now into something that involves the nature in its purest form, we have light therapy. These treatments can either use natural or artificial ultraviolet light.

We’ve mentioned some of the medications available in the market and now into something that involves the nature in its purest form, we have light therapy. These treatments can either use natural or artificial ultraviolet light.

Sunlight: When exposed to UV rays in sunlight, the activated T cells in the skin die. Daily exposure to small amount of sunlight is found to improve psoriasis as this slows skin cell turnover and reduces further scaling and inflammation. It is however better to consult a doctor in order to ensure the safest way.

UVB phototherapy: UVB phototherapy, which is also known as broadband UVB are used to treat widespread psoriasis. It is also the most used psoriasis treatment when topical treatments are not found effective. However, we have some short term side effects in the form of itching and dry skin.

Narrow band UVB therapy: T narrow band UVB therapy is found to be more effective than broadband UVB treatment. Well, as these are relatively new to the field of psoriasis treatment, it is always better to take them with extreme care and they may cause more severe and longer lasting burns.

However, when caught with severe psoriasis, it is always better to go for oral or injected drugs. The following are considered to be the best ones in this regard.

Retinoids: These reduce the production of skin cells and works out well especially if you have severe psoriasis and you are not responding to other therapies. Well, side effects too can be expected with regard to this treatment in the form of lip inflammation and hair loss.

Methotrexate: Methotrexate helps to decrease the production of skin cells and thus suppresses inflammation. Methotrexate however is preferred to use only in low doses as it can cause stomach upset and fatigue. People, who use them for longer periods, are also prone severe liver damage and decreased production of blood cells.


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