The New Stuff

7 tips to beat acidity !

Following  a large meal, wherein you have over eaten the things, chances are great for you to feel an unpleasing burning sensation in your stomach. That is called acidity or gastritis and the following can be the remedies that can help you to reduce the intensity of acidity.

Cloves: Cloves are really useful to get away from this burning sensation. In order to get rid of the problems of acidity, you have to avail the service of cloves. Take two – three cloves and simply chew and bite them. The juices that comes out during the process, helps you to control gastritis.

Jaggery: Apart from the people, who suffer from diabetes, all others can consume jaggery to combat acidity. Take two tablespoons of jaggery and mix it with three teaspoon of water. Consume this and it will help you in the process of fighting against acidity. You are also advised to dissolve the prescribed amount of jaggery simply in your mouth.

Basil Leaves: With many rich medicinal properties, make a paste out from mixing a bunch of basil leaves along with water and consume this at least twice a day. You can also simply chew couple of basil leaves and get rid of acidity. The wide variety of options that basil leaves put forward, helps you to consume it along with tea as well.

Butter – Milk: From butter milk, you can make out some simple remedies for acidity and what you have to do is make a good paste by mixing one tablespoon of butter milk along with ½ teaspoon of black pepper powder. This is such a simple way to combat acidity and can be easily made out form home.

Cumin Seeds: This one is a good option for those who suffer the problems of acidity on a regular basis. In order to tackle the situation, take one teaspoon of cumin seeds and roast them. Soon after roasting them, go for crushing; however don’t go up to the extent of making a powder out from them. Mix it along with one glass of water and have it after every meal that you intakes.

Mint: Make a glass of juice out from mint and water. Drink this juice twice a day after meals. It is also preferred to chew raw mint leaves after the meals as well. Adopting this scheme on a regular base, will help you to cope with the problems associated with acidity.

Ginger with Jaggery: Make a paste with half an inch of ginger along with that of a similar sized jaggery. You can add some drops of water to make it appear smooth enough. Consume this just half an hour before every meal on a regular basis and it will work out wonders for, those who suffer from problems associated with improper digestion and that of acidity.


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