The New Stuff

Tips to prevent excessive yawning

Yawning is your body’s way to express fatigue or tiredness. It maybe also due to less quantity of oxygen in your brain. A thought about yawning or seeing someone yawn might also be the reason. It also happens when you are bored, but you may not be in a situation to express it. So it can be embarrassing and may create a bad impression. So yawning in excess have to be controlled.

Here are a few tips to prevent yawning.

  • When you feel bored about your present situation, get involved in something interesting to you.

  • Drink one glass water as it will rehydrate and alleviate tiredness. So your body feel rejuvenated and yawning will be relieved.

  • Less oxygen and high carbon dioxide in lungs will make you yawn. Breathe more and reduce the carbon dioxide in your lungs.

  • Sleep well at night. As the adage says, a good sleep makes somebody healthy, later wealthy and wise. You feel fresh and active only if you had a good sleep at night. And you won’t get bored easily too.

  • Suppressing a yawn will only work in the opposite way.

  • If nothing works, apply common sense. Put your hand over your mouth. Do not stare at people who yawn.
  • If you have a heart problem, you may yawn. Treating your heart problem will reduce your yawning. Asthma or lung problems might also cause yawning. So you have to treat your illness.
  • If you are really tired and yawning continuously, better go to bed. An afternoon nap will prevent yawning. Closing your eyes and taking deep breaths will stop yawning.

  • If you are at office, you can go for a short walk or chat with friends when you feel too bored and starts yawning.


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