The New Stuff

Back Pain Remedies

A balanced posture has a great deal of importance in decreasing the stress on your back as they keep the muscles, bones and other supporting parts according to their natural position. The most common reason for the occurrence of back pain is a poor posture habit. While one deviates from the normal posture, a situation arises wherein muscles contract and leads to an unbearable pain. However, the most important thing to note down this time is that the continuous back pain leads to severe conditions such as osteoporosis, scoliosis etc. Well, not all the back pains are due to bad sitting posture. A fall or blow to the back too are some reasonable causes to back pain, which results in a strain or tissue tearing around the spine, or a break in the worst conditions. Overweight too can be counted as another reason behind back pain. 

If you are opting for a permanent solution to the back pain, then adopting ayurvedic solutions can be the best ones when it comes to the long run gain. In order to treat low back pain, internal as well as external treatments are done. Well, the following are some of the remedies that can be made from home as well. 

Wheat and milk mixture: Well, not to be mistaken as something that involves just wheat and milk. The mixture contains coriander powder, cuscus powder apart from the ones mentioned above. Preparation of the mixture begins overnight, when you soak 50 gm of wheat. In the morning, add 2 tsp coriander powder followed by 2 tsp cuscus powder. Blend this into a paste and add this mixture to 250 ml milk taken in a bowl. Boil it for 20 min and have it with lukewarm water. 

Garlic and coconut oil: It is a known fact,that Garlic has pain relieving properties. And it is thoroughly based on this property of garlic that we are preparing this mixture. In order to make this natural remedy, take a frying pan and add 60 ml of coconut oil, into which you have to add 8-10 cloves of garlic. Fry this mixture till garlic turns dark brown and apply this oil with lukewarm water on the affected area. 

Psyllium husk: Have 2-3 teaspoons of psyllium husk with a glass full of hot milk at bedtime. This will help you to evacuate the rectum, treating constipation. They are some of the main reasons for flatulence and vata aggravation. 

Castor Oil: Have 1 teaspoon of castor oil with a glass of milk at bedtime. In order to pacify Vata dosha, we can consider Castor oil as something that works wonders. 

Sesame Oil: Using gently warm sesame oil to massage the affected area followed by covering it with a cotton cloth too can be adopted for back pain. However, the one thing that you have to take care is to avoid exposure to air or cold wind. 

Diet and Lifestyle: Avoid having cold or fried foods and junk food as well. Say a big no to alcoholic beverages.


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