The New Stuff

Tips to prevent Cancer

When a malignant cell growth occurs, that leads to a continuous division of the cells and a person with the particular condition can be counted as a Cancer patient. Though not directly curable, cancer can be prevented by certain precautionary measures and a balanced lifestyle. Well, the term ‘Cancer’ represents a whole large area of concern. Exhibiting various symptoms, they all ask for different treatments from your side.

Eliminate the use of tobacco: The usage of tobacco leads to cancer and it has been found that cigarette smoking is directly proportional to getting cancer. It causes cancer to the lungs, bladder, cervix and kidney and while you chew tobacco, the chances are high for you to have cancer of the oral cavity and pancreas. Passive smoking too leads to cancer and increase the risk of lung cancer.

Put a limit to fat: Well, this one too is a matter that can significantly lower your risk of being caught by Cancer. Well, at the same time, choose foods that are lower in fat content. It is because that the high-fat diets will accumulate higher amount of calories in your body, which in turn increase the risk of being overweight. And remember, overweight is directly proportional to Cancer.

Moderate alcohol Content: With scientists backing the consumption of alcohol in moderate amount, you can intake them as medicines. That said, one is not expected to consume too much of medicines, alcohol consumption paves way for potential risk factors such as breast cancer apart from cancer to Colon, lung, kidney and liver.

Dietary habits:

The following food items can be considered as quite effective in order to ward off Cancer.

Broccoli: Well, Colorectal Cancers have a perfect remedy in the form of Broccoli.

Grapes: Grapes are found to be quite effective for Cancer to the lungs, prostate, colon and breast – regions, since they comes with a particular compound called proanthocyanidins. They act as a force in reducing the production of estrogen in the body.

    Apart from them, the consumption of Ginseng, Myrrh and Green Tea too are equipped with the resistive powers against Cancer. They all come with anti – inflammatory, anti – bacterial and anti – fungal properties.

Animal-Based Omega-3 fats: Switch to Omega – 6 fats from that of omega-3. They can be availed from high-quality krill oil. Well, for the same purpose, you have to reducing the intake of processed vegetable oils as well.

Vitamin D: Increase the amount of Vitamin D in your body and it is better to hold the serum level steady at the level of 50-70 ng/ml. In order to ensure sufficient amount of Vitamin D and vitamin K2, make appropriate measures and have some fair exposure to sun. Eat foods that comes with these vitamins and a fair usage of Calcium too have significant effect in treating Cancer.


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