The New Stuff

Tips for healthy weight gain

    In an age, when stories focusing on losing weight have gained tremendous momentum, there do exist another version for the story with a section wanting to gain weight. However, the process is a bit slow one; people tend to overdo it, resulting in ending up with excessive fat gain. You are expected to follow the below mentioned tips in order to gain fat in a healthy way. The foremost thing that you have to note is to give priority to calorically rich foods. Be it your regular meals or drinks or your snacks, always point towards calorically rich ones.

Opt for varieties in food: Unlike the popular advises with regard to the intake of cheap carbohydrates and calories, you are expected to intake foods considering various aspects. With various food items leading the charts in terms of their nutritional – proteins – carbohydrates – fats values and antioxidant properties, you are advised to follow a balancing act between all of them. They all give you different outputs in terms of the bodily processes. You are advised to give priority to flaxseeds in terms of gaining healthy weight. Consume 2 tablespoons of flaxseed meal on a daily basis and you are sure to improve your health as well as gain weight.

Focus on good fat: As is said with regard to many areas, your biggest concern should be on the quality aspect. When you have actually entered the process, make sure that you are consuming the right type of food. Foods which give you good fat should be the prime area of concern. When counting this aspect, you can exclude the ones such as burgers, chips, or milkshakes. On the other hand, go for whole wheat pasta or fruits or vegetables. They are all sources of good fat. You can also include nuts and lean proteins in this aspect.

Calorie rich Snacks: Calorie rich snacks is a good option. Out from a wide variety of options available to you, only choose snacks, which are rich in calorie. Food items such as nuts, cheese, dried fruits or avocados excel in this aspect. Whole grain crackers too are a good option when considering to gain weight in a healthy manner.

Drink calorically: Drinks that are high on calorie should be included in your daily schedule. Skip your regular soda and other similar drinks which are low on calories. You can easily pick something, which are high on calorie. Healthy shakes are a good option and it is advised that you drink them in between meals. However, you are strictly advised not to skip solid food and the service of calorie rich drinks should be limited as mere supplements only.


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