The New Stuff

Tips to deal with Loss of Appetite

It can be found that the condition of loss of appetite occur when one loses the desire to eat as once he / she did. Well, even the very idea of eating food may cause uncomfortable feelings such as nausea. Well, the following are some of the ideas that you could choose in order retain the appetite.

Never Skip Breakfast: Quite natural that you often skip the first meal of the day for the sake of many things and duties that you bear. Well, that should not form a regular habit that you should always opt for a healthy and balanced breakfast.

Good Eating Habits: There has to be some good eating habits such as intake of wholegrain cereals, yogurt, granola and fresh fruit, and other healthy food items. Never ever go for something that seems quite alien to you right on the start of the day.

Eat Small & Frequent Meals: It is always wise to eat frequent, but small meals daily. That means, the amount of food that you intake during your regular three meals can be consumed during the course of a five number of meals.
Some homemade remedies for loss of appetite

Some healthy food items: Food items such as Pineapple juice and Papayas are very good as far as you are working hard to get back your lost appetite is considered. Have them twice a day.

            The following medications can be taken for curing the loss of appetite.

Cardamom: It is always a good option to avail the service of cardamom in this process. Add 3 to 4 cloves of cardamom into one glass of water. Boil the same and drink it.

Basil Leaves: Basil leaves are quite good in this aspect and make some juice out from the basil leaves. Mix it with powdered salt and have it after your supper.

Cumin Seed Pepper Powder: Make a mixture out from Cumin Seed powder and Pepper powder. Well, to 1 tsp of this powder, add 1 tsp of the ginger juice. Take this medication twice a day.

Powder Dried ginger: The powder of dried ginger is a great option for curing loss of appetite and in order to make the medication, mix 1 tsp of dried ginger along with 2 tsp of jaggery. You are advised to have this medication on both before and after your food.

Cardamom + Dried Ginger: Make a powder out from cardamom, cloves, dried ginger and cumin. Mix 2 tsp of this mixture with 1 tsp of sugar and have it just before you go to bed on a daily basis.

Nutmeg and gooseberry: Make a mixture out from Nutmeg and gooseberry and mix it with jaggery. Take 2 tsp of this medication after supper on a regular basis.

Long Pepper: Take 2 cloves of it and crush it to form a powdered texture. As you have made the powder out from them, go for mixing it with one glass of milk. Drink this twice a day and will work out wonders.


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