The New Stuff

Natural Remedies to treat Malaria

An extremely common and a serious disease – Malaria; causes chills, shivering and you will be troubled by high fever. The ways at which you will get infected are from the bite by a malaria parasite carrying mosquito. Well, who will be standing at the danger end due to this disease are the people with lower levels of immunity levels. The best way to cope with Malaria is to go for some early diagnosis and taking out proper medications. Well, the below mentioned ones can be an ideal option for coping with Malaria.

Grapefruit: It is a known fact that fruits and vegetables help you well when increasing your immunity power is the primary aim. Using Grapefruit is a great way to combat Malaria and you are advised to take at least 100 ml of grapefruit daily, for a consistent period of time, if you really want to get rid of the disease. You can make the grape fruit by boiling the same and straining its pulp.

Fever Nut: Using fever nuts are another way to combat Malaria and in order to use them wisely, you have to take 5 grams of the seeds with a cup of water. You are expected to continue taking this medicine on a consistent basis and it is also preferred to go for having it twice a day.

Sweet Wormwood: Sweet Wormwood, or known as Artemisia annua, you can use this herb effectively by steeping in cold water for some time. Consume this cold water directly and you will definitely get to see the quick results. However, you will be required to continue the process for at least one week in order to have the maximum benefit.

Cinnamon: Another known valuable remedy for treating malaria. Go with boiling 1 teaspoon of powdered cinnamon in a glass of water. Along with the mixture, you are required to add a pinch of pepper powder and 1 teaspoon of honey as well. They are always advised to be intaken on a daily basis, till you get relieved from the disease, for best effects.

Lime: As it is the case with lemon, it plays a key role in reduce the degree of malarial fever. For the purpose, you will be required to mix 5 drops of lime and allow the juice of one lemon to get completely dissolved in one glass of water. It is expected that this mixture is consumed before the onset of fever.

Alum: You need to have alum in a dry roasted and powdered form. Take 1 teaspoon of this powder and you are required to consume the same at least 3 hours before the expected fever attack, followed by another half a teaspoon after 2 hours of the attack.


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