The New Stuff

Tips for knee pain

We can quote the main function of the knee joint as to bend and straighten for the purpose of moving the body. More than being just a hinge, the knee also twists and rotates and helps the body to perform all of the actions and lend support to the entire body. Quite naturally, when we undergo knee pain, we are subject to numerous troubles and the common goal during a knee pain treatment is to break the inflammatory cycle. It must be added right here that the inflammatory cycle starts out with an injury and soon invades the knee. The same condition prompts us to cause further injury and it leads to continued or progressive knee pain.

So, our primary aim in combating knee pain is to opt for controlling the inflammation and break the inflammatory cycle. The best remedial functions for the same are PRICE – which stands for PROTECTION, REST, ICE, COMPRESSION and ELEVATION.

PROTECT the knee:

In order to protect the knee from further trauma, we can opt for knee padding and in the process, a pad over the kneecap is applied in order to control the knee injuries.

REST The Knee:

Allow the knee to take adequate Rest and it reduces the repetitive strain of the knee by further movement of the bodily activities. Rest will also give the knee right amount of time to prevent further injuries.

ICE The Knee:

Icing means, going for a cold application over the knee. This will reduce the swelling of the part and can also be used for both acute and chronic type of knee injuries. It is advised to follow the icing process on the knees two to three times a day – each time, go for at least 30 minutes of time. For the purpose, you can either use an ice bag or a bag of frozen vegetables.

COMPRESS the knee:

Go for a compression process of the knee with either a knee brace or a wrap. By doing so, you are ensuring a great way to reduce the swelling process. Compression is arguably the right job to do this purpose and it also achieves in keeping the patella aligned. That will help you to keep the joint mechanics intact. So, compressing helps you to achieve these two important goals.

ELEVATE the knee:

Now, this one – Elevation too is of a great importance in reducing the swelling. It works out in tandem with the gravity in order to help the fluid from getting accumulated in the knee. If not, that will lead that the fluid to accumulate in the knee flow back to the central circulation. So, the best way to follow in tough times is to prop your leg up when you are sitting to elevate the legs.

                Well, you are also open to ideas such as using pain relievers in the form of some anti inflammatory drugs – naproxen or ibuprofen. These will directly control the pain acts as anti – inflammatory agents, while used at higher doses. However, they are subject to some potential side effects as well.


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