The New Stuff

Cure for Allergies

You can find allergy triggers virtually in every nook and corner of your life. While enlisting the most common allergy triggers, we have dust mites, pets, molds, insects, pollen, and in cigarettes. While having allergy, you are prone to different symptoms such as mild eye irritation and congestion. Well, there might be some severe reactions such as difficulty in breathing. While in cold season, and if you have allergies or asthma, make sure that your home is free from any such asthma triggers.

A common allergy and asthma trigger, dust mites feed on human skin flakes and tend to double their numbers when the rooms have above 40 percent humidity. Found everywhere, they can be some precautions to ward off them such as purchasing allergen proof encasings for your pillows and mattresses. The service of the following items can be availed in order to combat with allergy caused any of the above mentioned ones.

Apple Cider Vinegar
 Make a mixture out from a teaspoon of organic apple cider vinegar with that of a glass of water. You are required to intake this drink at least three times in a day. This medication is preferred with all the allergic symptoms associated with dust and will work out well.

Neti Pot and Saline Rinse
We can make some best results out form a pre-made saline rinse for coping with dust mite allergies. Well, another option that is open in front of you is by dissolving 1 teaspoon of salt in a quarter cup of boiled distilled water. Allow the water to cool down completely and put the Neti Pot in it. Well, up next pour the mixture through one nostril and let it drain out the other as well.

Found aplenty in foods such as citrus and broccoli, you are required to include more of them in your food and it is better to do so in at least 4 times in a week. However, it is not advised for pregnant women to follow the same.

Nettle Leaf
Nettle Leaf can be an excellent option for curing the dust allergy and it is often mixed with peppermint leaf and at times with red raspberry leaf to make tea. This will ward off the allergies due to dust mites.

Stinging Nettle
Stinging nettle, which is also known as Urtica dioica are a good option for allergies. It is always preferred to intake some 300 milligrams of the same on a daily basis in order to get relief from allergies.

butterbur or also known as Petasites hybridus, this one has many properties in order to cope with allergic problems and in order to get relief from allergy, you are required to intake 30 milligrams of butterbur a day. Well, it is also advised to intake the same into four divided parts. However, it is not at all preferred to intake the same medication for a longer period.

Sublingual Immunotherapy
It is also advised to go through some specific immunotherapy, if you suffer from extreme allergic conditions. They are usually injected to patients with diluted doses, mainly in order to build immunity. Well, adopting for sublingual immunotherapy has to be done only in accordance with consulting a doctor.


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