The New Stuff

Brahmi - A Gifted Natural Remedy


Traditionally been included as a medicinal plant with enormous potentials and curing abilities, ‘Brahmi’ or ‘Bacopa Monnieri’, grows extensively in wet spots and can also sustain in sunshade. The plant, which can be seen in abundance in most of the Indian households, is a gifted natural remedy for various diseases and chronic conditions. A great brain tonic, the major areas, wherein this medicinal plant excels includes:

Rejuvenating Brain: As we just mentioned above, Brahmi is truly a great brain rejuvenator that it improves the circulation of blood in brain and helps to reduce ‘Senility’ among old people. Enhancing the learning capacity and memory, Brahmi can actually promote short term and long term memories in people.

Revitalizing cells and nerves: As it is the case with rejuvenating brain, Brahmi also acts as an agent that revitalize the cells and nerves, which in turn cleanses the blood. By acting this way, Brahmi can improve the blood circulation and strengthens the capillaries.

Promotes Mental Health: This property of Brahmi really acts as a life saver for numerous people in many occasions; as this gifted medicinal plant can reduce the intensity of stress, depression and anxiety found in them. Ergo, it is considered as ideal to treat post natal depression.

Cure Skin Problems: Brahmi has some excellent properties that make it enough to treat numerous day to day skin problems that one encounters with. The list includes promoting skin growth, and the growth of hair and nail.

A Cure for Chronic Diseases: While taking into considering the areas of power that Brahmi showcases, we can include ‘bronchitis’, ‘chronic cough’, ‘asthma’, ‘arthritis’, ‘rheumatism’, ‘bowel disorders’, ‘constipation’ and to name many.

                Now, let’s take a look at some of the home remedies that can be prepared with Brahmi to cure some of the above mentioned diseases.

Brahmi Tonic – You can make a Brahmi tonic that can act wonders to many diseases. Well, in order to make the tonic, first of all you have to soak a handful bunch of Brahmi leaves in water overnight and grind to a paste later. While making a paste out form it, you can also combine the following ingredients – 3 or 4 ground almonds, a teaspoon of sugar candy. Well, soon after that, and the paste to 250 ml of milk, to make a tonic. This tonic serves multiple purposes in the form of cleansing bowels, improving brain and nervous debility.

Brahmi + Milk – Here comes another combination of Brahmi with milk. Well, this is much simpler in absolute terms that you just have to dilute five grams of Brahmi powder into 500 ml of milk in order to prepare that. Going for a drink with this tonic twice a day, will keep you to regain memory power and can act as a brain stimulator.

Brahmi Paste – By simply making a paste out from a bunch of Brahmi leaves along with 100 ml water, you can cure the dysentery of child, when applied to the navel. The same paste can also be used to cure the following disease – Elephantiasis, rheumatic swelling, contusion etc.


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