The New Stuff

Combat varicose vein

With ‘varicose veins’, we mean a blue or purple colored vein appears projected from the legs. Well, they usually affect the legs, and to be precise near the feet. It is a common condition observed wherein the patient feels pain due to these elongated veins. The major causes of varicose vain can be either due to a long continuation of standing for hours, during pregnancy times and even due to obesity as well. However, it may also appear due to the genetic tendency or due to vein thrombosis. When one is affected by varicose vein, it leads him/her to have ‘Ulcer formation’, ‘bleeding’, ’infection of wounds’, ‘thrombophlebitis’ etc.

However, since a twisted vein too can project some similar symptoms as that of varicose vein, you can look for these symptoms if you are suffering from varicose vein.

·         Painfulness of legs
·         If tortuous veins appears visible on the legs.
·         If the legs and ankle gets swelled
·         If you feel a restless condition for leg.
·         Unexpected bleeding out from minor injuries.

Well, we can have some remedial measure in order to combat this condition and those are mentioned below.

Carrot + Spinach: This one is often hailed as the most effective way of treating varicose veins. For this, you have to combine both carrot juice and spinach respectively in the amount of 200 ml and 300 ml. Have this daily for the preferred result.

Consume Vitamin: Vitamins, to be specific, Vitamin E and C are considered to be the ideal treatment for getting rid of varicose vein. What you have to do is to religiously follow a diet plan that gives you at least 3,000 mg and 1,500 mg respectively of vitamin C and vitamin E daily.

Enema: Well, a warm water enema is preferred during varicose vein days and by doing so, you are helping the bowels to cleanse.

Fuller's earth powder: The service of fuller's earth powder can be availed during the hardships of varicose vein and go for making a paste out from the powder and water. Apply this paste on the a affected area at night. Well, you can wash it off in the morning and allow it to stay there during the whole night time.

Almond Oil: Take 4 ounces of almond oil and add 10 drops of cypress and rosemary essential oils. Make a mixture out from this and apply it on the legs, in an upward motion. This one can treat your varicose vein.

Calendula Flower: Make a mixture out from 2 cups of chopped calendula flowers, leaves and stems, with melted lard. Keep the mixture aside and you can go for heating up the same one day after. Stir the mixture and apply it on the affected part when it warms down.

Chamomile Powder: Make a paste out from chamomile powder and water. Apply this on the affected area of varicose vein and allow it to stay there for at least 3 – 4 hours after which you can rise with warm water.

Marigold petals: In order to make a paste out from marigold petals, wash a handful of the same and crush them as well, after which you can make a paste out from it by adding enough water. Apply the paste on the affected area of varicose vein and leave it overnight, only to wash it off in the morning.


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