The New Stuff

Tips to get rid of High Blood Pressure

Any reading that is above 140/90 mm Hg is considered as High blood pressure, which is also called as hypertension. It leads to a number of health problems that could even tickle stroke or heart diseases. The prime most important thing that can wield the condition is following a right lifestyle. By means of a healthy lifestyle, we can include the following ones.

Shed some kilos: Shedding out any extra weight will help you in keeping blood pressure at a distance. Losing some weight will also aid you in the process of taking blood pressure medications.

De Stress: De stressing is arguably the best way to cope with the increase blood pressure. There are many activities down there in the option cards that could help you stay calm. Follow some relaxation exercises such as yoga or deep breathing.

The following food items can be considered as good medications to get away from high Blood Pressure.

Dark chocolate: Dark chocolate are found to be endowed with a wide varieties of helpful compounds in it. One such highly effective compound in dark chocolate is flavanols, which are helpful in making blood vessels more elastic. Have 15 gram of dark chocolate daily. They can become a good medication for lowering your blood pressure.

Herbal tea: While drinking tea, doesn’t want you to intake as much as tea as you want. Herbal tea such as hibiscus tea can be a great option for lowering the blood pressure. When you drink some 5 cups of tea on a daily note for a week, the systolic blood pressure will lower by some 10 points.

Soy: Switching to foods that are high in soy or milk protein are good ways to lower your blood pressure. The refined carbohydrates in the diet when using soy, is crucial in bringing the systolic blood pressure. That will help you to get rid of hypertension.

Coenzyme supplement: Consume 50 mg of coenzyme Q10 supplement three times a day; blood pressure will dramatically lower by 10 – 15 mm Hg. The intake of them in return will dilate blood vessels and are considered as great boon for those who suffer from extreme conditions.

Potatoes: Potatoes are rich with potassium. Fruits and vegetables that are rich on potassium contribute in a great way to lower blood pressure. Researchers suggest an intake of some 3,000 mg of potassium daily is going to work wonders for people suffering from high BP.


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