A healthy
heart is necessary in order to have a happy life and numerous researches and
surveys sum up by saying that the heart of most people fails to meet the
required qualities that it is expected to have and the following can be some of
the ways in order to achieve the same.
saturated fat: Well, for a healthy and smart heart, you need to limit the
intake of saturated and turns fat. It has to be added here that if more than
ten percent of our daily calories contain saturated fat, then you are probably
on a wrong track. Try to intake as little turns fat as possible and reduce the
saturated and Trans fat intake as well. For the purpose, you can choose lean
meats that put chicken breast, fish etc. as well as fat – free or reduced dairy
products. You should say a big ‘No’ to processed and baked foods.
Keep a
healthy weight: It is important that obesity increases the risk of coronary
heart disease. Having said that you can opt for making healthy changes in the
way you live, instead of going on a diet. Small steps such as eating plenty of
fruits and vegetables are preferred right here. By going through mathematical
figures, a 10 percent weight loss can put you on a healthy state.
Oils that are
lowest in saturated fats: Well, as mentioned above, using oils that are on the
lowest side of saturated fat, Trans fats and cholesterol can all lead to a
betterment of hearth. This enlists canola oil, corn oil, olive oil, safflower
oil, sesame oil, soybean oil and sunflower oil.
Well, flavonoids, which are plant based nutrients, are considered as potential
influencers on vascular health. They help in lowering blood pressure, improving
blood flow to the brain and heart and making the blood platelets to be less
sticky. Flavonoids can be found aplenty in chocolate, red wine and coffee.
Well, eat at
home: Sounds funny..? While dining out at your home, chances are less for you
to get out of control in the amount of food. Also, you can ensure that you will
be consuming food items that suits to your current diet plans. This can be in
miniscule details such as too much of salt in the food etc.
activities: Physical activities are necessary for a person, if he is actively
thinking about attaining a healthy heart. You are open to take brisk walk
before work or during a lunch break as well. You can also opt for taking steps
instead of lifts. Well, that said, adopting a bit more physically active life
style would be an added advantage and
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