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Diabetes in Old Age – Prevention and curing

It is when our body is unable to handle the sugar in food properly and convert to energy that the condition of Diabetes mellitus occurs. When one is trapped in diabetes, the regulatory mechanism for glucose in the blood appears to be inefficient and result glucose goes on to dangerous levels and causes destroying vital organs. Diabetes tends to run in families, but factors other than heredity such as overweight too are causes that trigger diabetes older people.

 Before going to the tips that could cure Diabetes, please not that, the commonest form of diabetes, which affects the older people is Type II – which is also known as non-insulin-dependent diabetes. Well, It is often said that there are no definitive cure for diabetes, however the way to combat is to follow a healthy – balanced diet and engaging in regular physical activities. The following food items can be considered as some great medications for diabetes in old ages.
Fig Leaves- These are commonly considered as ideal for treating diabetes. It is because they have anti-diabetic properties to reduce the sugar levels in the blood. A medication advised using fig leaves is to directly chew on an empty stomach. The water used to boil the leaves too can be a good option to drink. It has to be done on a regular basis and we can see that the insulin gets reduced.

Fenugreek- Fenugreek seeds are endowed with the properties of lowering sugar levels. A teaspoon of fenugreek seeds soaked in a glass of water over night has to be consumed on empty stomach. However, no food or other food items should be taken for the next 30 minutes. The same way has to be followed at least 2 times a week.
Cinnamon- This commonly used spice in every Indian cooking, comes with the benefits of anti-diabetic properties. Take half spoon of cinnamon powder on every day, or it can also be chewed. It is said to have properties like that of insulin in lowering the glucose levels in the blood.

 Grape Seed Extract- Rich source of vitamin E, flavonoids and linoleic acid, consume 300mg per day to reduce the blood sugar levels.

Olive Oil- Apart from the beneficiary effects such as reducing the cholesterol and triglycerides level in the blood, Olive oil also helps to reduce blood sugar level. So cook all foods with edible olive oil.

Bitter Gourd- It is advised to drink the stock after boiling the bitter gourd and the best effects can be gained when taken on empty stomach every morning on a regular basis.

Vitamin C- Consuming up to 600mg of vitamin C daily or Foods rich in vitamin C are advised to be consumed, if you are in a chronic stage.
Garlic- The anti-diabetic effect of garlic lies in the chemical Allicin and garlic has hypoglycemic effects.

Aloe Vera- This very common plant in households has anti-inflammatory properties that promote wound healing and is can be consumed when taken along with buttermilk. It comes with hypoglycemic characteristics.


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