The New Stuff

Bone health in old age

              As you grow old, you would have to take many new decisions regarding your health. The way, you used to live till then has to be changed according to your current status. Well, bone health is an important aspect that you have to consider while your parents get into the older stage of your life. Bones carry out many functions in the body such as providing a definite structure, protecting the organs and storing calcium. The commonest disease that the aging parents face is the decreased quantity of bone, a condition that is called ‘Osteoporosis’ in medical terms.

                It is told by the medical world that your bone mass reach the peak stage between the ages 25 – 30. While you can see some fluctuations in the above said figures, it is almost the same for both men and women alike. After this particular age, your body starts to show you some symptoms that might be showing you the way to osteoporosis. Having said that the more bone mass you posses during your peak time determines the kind of resistance that your body can put in against the bone breaking conditions.

                Menopause – When taking the women’s condition to consideration, we can notice that there is a strong relationship between menopause and that of osteoporosis. When women undergo menopause condition, even before the age of 45, they are more into doorsteps of bone breakage. Well, there of the following ways can be used to prevent one from being trapped in the jaw of such conditions. They are:

                Right Nutrition: Right nutrition is an important aspect of one’s bone health. The key to the success of bone health lies in the adequate intake of a broad variety of nutrition. A right diet that gives you adequate amount of Vitamins – D, A, K, C and B can be a way to combat bone health. You can also avail the service of calcium pills for the purpose. However, a calcium rich diet is prescribed for people of all ages in order to prevent the bone breakage chances.

                Protein Intake: For women, the intake of foods, which are high on soy protein and soy – isoflavones, can help them reduce the chance of bone loss in premenopausal stage. The commonest protein rich food that one can easily avail is through dietary products, which are high on protein. However, you are also advised not to follow a diet based on ‘animal proteins’. Though they can give you high amount of protein, they can also lead you to the condition of urinary calcium excretion, unlike the vegetables.

                Phytonutrients: These are the natural compound found in plant foods such as vegetables, fruits and whole wheat grain products. They are believed to provide you not only from the protection of bone breakage, but also from numerous other diseases as well. 


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