The New Stuff

Tips to stay happy and fight depression

Open up and talk, but to people who care about you. The people who you can trust might be a friend or family. If you have just one person in the whole world you can trust, whoever it might be, go and talk to him/her about your problems, worries and depressive reasons. If they are busy, ask them that you want to talk. If they really care, they will certainly make time for you. Even if you don’t feel your best, try to think positive and keep your daily routine in full swing. Try to pray and share your worries to God, whether you are religious or not. Prayer heals because God exists and cares for each and every person. 

Do something that you enjoy everyday like drawing, painting, cooking or whatever you like to do and do something relaxing like watching a movie or going for a walk. Eat healthy and be active. This naturally improves your whole mood. Doing exercise for at least half an hour thrice a week is desirable. Try to be happy. Count your blessings and think of the less fortunate to know how blessed you are. Sleep regularly; don’t under sleep or over sleep. Write, draw do something that gives you a good feeling and let you express. Always think you are worthwhile.


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