The New Stuff

Physical changes in Old Age

Patience and Respect are the primary values essential when you are dealing with your old parents. As you get older, you get weak physically. External organs like eyes, ears etc. and internal organs also get weaker day by day. Some old people get cataract or other eye problems. So we have to take special care to deal with old people. Some might not be able to hear properly. So talk loudly, but do not shout or be disrespectful towards them. Try to understand and care for them. Skin also turns thinner and fragile as gradually all physical activity slows down. Elasticity of the skin will be lost. Metabolism and endocrine function will be decreased, so they might fall sick or get tired easily.

 You have to adjust to their moods and physical conditions. If they are able to walk you might need to help them go to the toilet, the way you help a young child. As you get older, you become helpless like a newborn baby. Some old people may have diabetes, cholesterol problems etc. others might have heart or liver diseases. Always be there for them as they were there for you when you were young. It’s a time to re pay your old parents.So if you catch an old person, be very careful not to hurt them unintentionally. An old age person should be handled with care like a newborn baby. That is the cycle of life. 


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