The New Stuff

Thyroid diseases in Women

Thyroid is a small gland inside your throat but it is a big determiner of your good health. The function include secreting hormones to your blood and to every cell and organ. It is only 2 inch long but is the one of the most important gland of your body. It controls clear thinking of brain, rhythmic pumping of heart, your body temperature and harmony among organs.

A thyroid disease – make it produce more hormone leading to hyperthyroidism or less hormones leading to hypothyroidism. Fatigue, gaining weight, intolerance of cold, dry hair, depression, high cholesterol, slow pulse etc. are symptoms of hypothyroidism. In short, everything slows down. Hyperthyroidism is the opposite and cause weight loss, intolerance of heat, nervousness, gland enlargement, fatigue etc.

Hypothyroidism may require taking thyroxin pills daily morning on advice of an endocrinologist. Visiting an endocrinologist is the first step when you become aware of the thyroid problem. He/ she will give your proper medical advice. Risk factors including Diabetes, family history, radiation treatment and hormonal changes during menopause or pregnancy can cause thyroid. Unfortunately, women are more susceptible to this than men.  The ratio is 4:1 .Menopausal women have a higher risk than young women.


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