The New Stuff

Eye problems in Old Age

As you age, there will many changes in the body and one of them is visionary problems. Some of the common eye problems are:

Presbyopia: Presbyopia is a common disorder after 40. Objects that are close or in small print cannot be seen clearly. It is usually corrected using reading glasses and contact lenses.

Floaters: This is when you see specks across your field of vision which you might notice in a well-lit room or outdoor. If there are light flashes, it is a more serious problem. Then you should visit an eye doctor immediately.

Dry Eyes: Tears are more important than you think. Dry Eyes happen when the tear glands do not produce enough tears and give tears of poor quality. This condition is very uncomfortable with burning, redness, itching and sometimes loss of vision as well. Meet your eye doctor immediately.

Tearing: Having too many tears is this condition. Wearing sunglasses or protecting your eyes may solve the issue. An eye infection or a tear duct that is blocked can also cause tearing. 

Cataracts: When the entire lens in your eye is covered by a cloudy area it is called cataract. Lens is as clear as that of a camera in a healthy eye. Light passes easily. But when there is cataract, light cannot go via the lens easily and vision can be impaired. Cataracts are formed slowly and if they become large, surgery has to be done.

Glaucoma: When high fluid pressure happens, this occurs. The normal watery fluid flow between cornea and lens is blocked. This is a very serious issue and has to be treated immediately or else permanent loss of vision might occur. Eyes have to be checked regularly as there is no early symptoms for glaucoma.

Retinal Disorders:  Retina transfers images to brain and that is how we see. Age-related macular degeneration, retinal vessel occlusions, diabetic retinopathy etc. Are some of the retinal disorders.
Conjunctivitis happens when the eye tissue is inflamed. It cause itching, redness, burning etc. and is called as “pinkeye”. It happens for people of any age. Infection or chemicals may cause this.

Corneal Diseases: Cornea is clear and helps focus the light that enters your eyes. Injury, infection or diseases may affect the cornea to cause redness, pain etc.

Eyelid Problems: Eyelids protect the eyes, limit the entry of light and distribute tears. Inflammed eyelids, tearing, itching etc. are some of the eye problems.

Temporal Arteritis: Inflammation of arteries and their blockage in the eyes and those in the temple may occur due to this condition.  Severe headache, pain etc. are the symptoms. Sudden loss of vision in one eye may also occur. Joint pain, loss in weight etc. are also other symptoms. Blindness in the other eye may also happen. Diagnosing early and treating using medicines is a method to prevent the vision loss. This may lead to a situation of emergency.


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