The New Stuff

Coping with Thyroid problems

An important gland of the endocrine system, the malfunctioning of thyroid gland can lead to an abnormal gain or loss of weight. A sudden fall as well in the rate of pulse is caused by malfunction of thyroid and is also subject to create an upswing in the mood. Well, it has been observed that thyroid problems create numerous problems, especially in the middle aged women and there are some ways to cope with this issue besides with a strict lifestyle.

Coconut Oil: This one can act as a nice option as coconut oil contains a chain of medium fatty acids, which can help you to improve thyroid functioning. Take two tablespoon of coconut oil to a glass of milk and go for consuming the same in the morning after your breakfast. Going for this option on a daily basis can help you to stimulate metabolism and boost energy. This will also help to raise the basal body temperature.

Kelp: This one is strictly subject to further medical references and clarifications from a distinguished medical professional. This one will work well for those who suffer from iodine deficiency. Kelp, which is a brown seaweed, appears to be quite rich in iodine and minerals. Go and have a teaspoon of crushed kelp along with a tablespoon of honey once in two days is preferred. But, once again this is strictly subject to further medical clarifications, due to the above mentioned reason.

Apple Cider Vinegar: This one really helps to deal with thyroid disorder. As it aids in detoxification and in restoring acid alkaline balance, apple cider vinegar can be consumed to regulate hormones and improve the whole energy metabolism. Take two tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar into to a glass of warm water. Feel free to mix it with an equal amount of honey. This mixture has to be consumed on a daily basis for better results. Well, not only for this, but Apple cider vinegar is quite beneficial for diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and to name a few.

Fish Oils: Take for granted this option and consume 3 grams of fish oils daily is quite helpful in the purpose of treating thyroid problems. Since the fish oils are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, they are good maintaining healthy thyroid function. However, if you are taking any medications for blood thinners, then it is advised to seek the consultation of a doctor.

 Guggul: Take a dosage of 25 mg of guggul – preferably three times a day in order to help in the treatment of hypothyroidism by stimulating thyroid function. However, further medical clarification is advised to be taken here as well with there are chances for a deviation in the levels of T4 and T3 thyroid hormones. The usage however is preferred as it exhibits the properties of being anti-inflammatory and anti-obesity besides controlling the cholesterol level as well.


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