The New Stuff

Scabies and treatment

What is scabies: Scabies is a skin condition caused due to the body’s response to a certain species or mites. In scabies, the patient feels constant urge to scratch the affected area. The intensity of the itches is higher during the night than the day.

Symptoms and spreadness: A person suffering from scabies, will have rashes in his skin and in some cases, blisters might appear. The other symptoms for this condition includes dryness, soreness and even swelling on the skin. It can spread from the infected person by means of physical contact or contact with contaminated items.

Remedies: Let’s learn some simple remedies to cure scabies. While one thing that you can notice from the below list is that, most of them contains neem leaves and works very well.

Neem leaves with mustard oil: Take twenty five crushed neem leaves. Add two teaspoons of turmeric powder and then add one tablespoon of mustard oil. Mix it well and make out a paste from it Apply this on the affected area and leave it for the next one hour. After one hour, wash it off with cold water. While neem kills the mites and speeds up the healing process. Repeat the same process, until which the lesions are completely healed.

Drumstick: Take a few drumsticks, chop them and crush it into a fine paste. Put the paste on a sieve and extract its juice. Subsequently add two tablespoons of sesame oil and mix it well. Apply this on the infected area and leave it for the next twenty - thirty minutes. You can then wash it off with normal water. While drumstick soothes the irritation and itchiness, the less you feel the intention to scratch.

    Now, looking into some other options (most of them are with neem leaves), let’s have the following elements that do not work well with your scabies (And of course work well with you).

Purified Sulfur: Purified sulfur can really help you in the process of healing scabies. Well, I would like to add a point here that, it is purified sulfur, which is being mentioned here; it is not at all a toxic one. Taking approx 0.2 of purified sulfur to one teaspoon of honey can be a good option and is advisable to intake by the patient two times a day. However this must be conducted as per the advice of an ayurvedic doctor. Usually, this is found to be very much effective even in infants.

Again Neem: Boil the neem leaves and apply them on the parts of the patient, where the scabies is affected. On the other hand, you can use the warm water, in which the neem leaves are boiled for the patient drink.
Neem pill: Crush the neem leaves and add suitable amount of water. Make it into a thick paste like state. You can make this to prepare pills and can be given twice a day to the patient, who is suffering from scabies.


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