The New Stuff

If your Kids encountered with Sprain and strain….!

Having a baby is arguably one of the most beautiful feelings in the world. However, in order to make each day of your baby, a beautiful one, you should have to work hard.  You might have warned your hyper active kid not to create tantrum and settle with toys. However, that is sure to have not reached his/her ears. It is quite natural that you undergo enormous kind of stress and strain when your kid meet with accidents and resulted in sprain and strain. There are some remedies that make you strong enough to cope with such situations. First of all, let’s examine what is strain and sprain…!

Sprains occur when the ligaments get torn apart (not exactly, it could also occur when they are stretched too much). It can appear in ankles, knees, wrists, when they accidentally get twisted. However on the other hand, strain appears as the muscles that connects to the nearby bones, get stretched. The areas that are mostly affected by it are neck, back, thigh, calf muscle etc. Though a skid during one of your trip could cause problematic accidents, most of the time they appear to be just sprain or strain. So, the most important thing that you have to keep during this time is to have willpower and to aid your kid.

The following are the most preferred methods during these tough times and please go through them in order to support your child back to the normal ways. They are popularly called the RICE method - Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation.

Rest: The immediate thing that you have to follow, right after the incident is to allow the baby to take rest. Even small movements of the body can cause severe pain for the injured parts of the body. However, that doesn’t mean that he/she should not be allowed to move a bit of his body. It is just that they never use strained/sprained body part during the course of time. Continue to take care of him like this way for the next three days.

Ice: Immediately after the incident occurred, icing should be applied after keeping him/her in a resting position. The ice pack should be applied on the injured part for at least 20 minutes and keep doing this for the next three days as well. Why we are applying ice is because of that the cold temperature, your baby’s chances of getting excessive pain, swelling, inflammation etc in the injured part, on a low note. Besides, if it is torn apart, this process will help you to reduce the bleeding.

Compression: The other thing that you have to adopt while such an incident occurred is to wrap your kid’s sprain area with something such as an elastic bandage, which can help you to prevent swelling. However, you should also take care to not wrap it tightly. While tight wrapping can lead to the stoppage of blood circulation and could lead to further worsened state of affair. The wrapping should be done in such a way that it is applied on the nearest position to the injury, and farthest from head & heart.

Elevation: In order to prevent swelling from the injured part, support the area with something such as a pillow, or anything that comes convenient to you.

It must be mentioned here that in order to get the injury healed, you will have to wait for some time, say for a week if strains. Having said that the sprains take much longer time period to get healed, you can expect anything between 2 - 4 weeks (at times). Though you might feel that your kid is alright now and won’t suffer for more, it is always advisable to go and find the help of a physician to soothe the injury completely. Such an aid from a distinguished person is always welcome and can only lead your kid to a better position at the end.

We have already gone through the ways that cause your child problems. So if anything found such as your kid crying out loudly and being unable to cope with the pain, then it is sprain. That is said because, usually sprains appear to be severely painful than that of strains. Signs such as your kid being unable to walk or move the injured part can help you to conclude with the knowledge that he is affected with sprain. It may also appear to have the feeling of a broken bone in the injured area as well. On the other hand, strains may or may not create immediate pain for the kid. They are so tricky that they will start tickling your child only after some time; say two hours after your kid met with the injury. So take the above said things for granted and look to apply them whenever you encountered with such a situation. However, more than everything, one thing that you can consider is to take a bit more care to him/her; coz, after all ,they are your most valuable possessions in the world


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