The New Stuff

Remedies for Menstrual Cramps

It is not at all a new thing that you experience excessive pain during the menstrual periods. The most common menstrual problems that are found in women include ‘severe cramping’, ‘heavy periods’, ‘infrequent periods’, ‘abnormal bleeding’ and often ‘lack of menstrual periods’ as well. A change from the usual menstrual pattern too can be a cause of concern and it can be noted that the cramping pain usually starts a couple of days before the periods actually begin. Well, what makes these days even painful is the many other discomforts associated with it, such as severe depression, withdrawal, breast tenderness etc.

    There can be many reasons behind this drastic change in body condition during this time and it is impossible to count all of them right here. However, it has been found that the root cause for most of these, hail from the many deficiencies of progesterone hormone, serotonin, glucose level in blood and Vitamin B6. The following can be adopted in order to combat these deficiencies, which in turn can help you to hurdle those troublesome days.

    Mineral rich diet: Well, this can be adopted and will simply work in favor of you in alleviating bad mood. In order to get calcium, you can either choose an item from milk and milk products. But, choosing them can have some adverse effects as well since they are fatty options. In this context, you can avail the service of raw vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli etc. or even that of fish as well. Minerals such as magnesium too has to reach your body during at least half of the cycle.

    Look for Vitamins: The food items that are associated with Vitamin B6 are bananas, lentils, grains etc. from the vegetable category and fish, meat etc. from Non - veg items. Well, not only Vitamin B6, but a daily intake of Vitamin E too is advised.

    Carbohydrates: Have carbohydrate products aplenty and this will act as an agent to combat food craving, which is usually found during these days. You can have breads, pastas, rice, potato, lentils etc. which provide adequate carbohydrates to you. Well, another importance of having carbohydrates are that of bringing down the level of estrogen from your body. They will also act as tension - anxiety relievers.

    Avoidance of certain things: As we mentioned earlier, you are required to reduce salt and sodium from your diet as well as sugar, caffeine, alcohol and cigarettes from your table.

    A balanced lifestyle: Well, this one deserves a special mention right here. Apart from the intake of right food, you have to be cautious of many more things during this period. You will be required to take long hours of rest and have to avoid stressful work for your body. Taking rest doesn’t mean that you are not supposed to do light exercises. Light exercises such as walking will promote deep breathing. You are also required to take hot bath and drink warm water aplenty.


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