The New Stuff

Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS)

For many women, ‘Pre-Menstrual Syndrome’ is a nightmare. Those few days before menstruation are not at all going to be that easy for women. However, the symptoms of PMS vary from woman to woman. Some may feel unbearable stomach cramps, while for some, it is a severe head ache. So, that said, apparently there are no sure shot symptoms that can be zeroed in with PMS. The symptoms for PMS usually begin after ovulation and went onto touch the peak just before menstruation. They soon disappear just after the start of menstruation.

Some of the most common symptoms of Pre-Menstrual Syndrome:

        ·         Tender Breasts – The breasts usually appear to be painful, heavy and even bloated before a period. You can see that both the breasts are been affected at the same time and you will also feel discomfort in either upper arm or armpit.

        ·         Abdominal Bloating – This is another common symptom, wherein you will see your abdomen feel uncomfortably full and will be visibly swollen.

        ·         Changes in Food Cravings – Women are also subjected to feel cravings for specific types of food. One many prefer having a high sugar, high carbohydrate food items.

        ·         Pimple – It is quite tough to judge PMS over pimples. However, many women appear to spot pimples during these times and many go unnoticed as well.

        ·         Head Ache – Women might feel unusual headaches during these times. They might feel pain either in the head or that in the upper neck of the body.

It is been rated as diseases that are associated with psychological problems as well. When you really want to get rid of the pain, either you can use ‘pain killers’ or try out some simple steps to decrease the degree of pain. That said, you can also avail the service of primrose oil twice a day in order to get away from breast tenderness. Well, if those problems doesn't appear that severe to you, it is better to follow some of the following things.

1.       Get Rest: This has to be the area that you give utmost importance. Take adequate amount of rest during these times and avoid stressful situations.

2.       Control Salt: Usage of salt is found to be quite noisy during these times and this is due to the property of salt in absorbing the water in the body.

3.       Control eating habits: Doctors prescribe to take less amount of food at every occasion. However, you can increase the number of intakes in a day if you really feel hungry. Go for vegetarian food especially look for green leafy vegetables, cereals and whole grains. Fish and poultry too are found to be good options.

4.       Vitamin B6: Intake of Vitamin B6 is advised as this will help in the process of retention of water and also help to reduce premenstrual stress.

5.       Exercises: We have mentioned about taking rest. However, taking mild exercises such as walking will help you to alleviate PMS.

6.       Say no to drugs: Usage of drugs is completely prohibited during these times. Go for a complete withdrawal from alcohol, caffeine etc.


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