The New Stuff

Get rid of Dandruff in seven days

In order to create an impression of what dandruff is, you may use these descriptions about it. ‘Dandruff is a common scalp problem that results from the excessive shedding of dead cells from the scalp’. Dandruff is among the prime reasons for the condition that leads to excessive hair loss, premature greying, acne, pimples on your face to name a few.

Dandruff as you may have heard thousand times before is a common problem that is found among males and females across the world. Though various geographical specialties causes various reasons for dandruff to the native people, the remedy to which remains one of the top most searched items in internet. However, it is also one of the silliest problems that can be dealt with, as well. In that case, probably you might ask me about the simplicities associated with dandruff. I would rather prefer to show you another aspect - that of dealing with dandruff in simple ways.

First of all, one thing that you should keep in mind is that dandruff is not a big deal and can be cured in no time. There are many remedies that you can prepare even in your home without creating much tantrum to your pocket (on the other hand, the shop near to you definitely create tantrum to your pocket, if you went on to try out with the expensive treatments that were shown in TV ads). These are the seven remedies that can be ideal for curing your dandruff in seven days. Please, go through the list below.

    Yogurt with Black Pepper: If you really want to reduce the intensity of scaling of scalping, then yogurt can be a great option. On the other hand, Pepper is a good antifungal as well. Well, the combination of which can really help you to fight with dandruff. The preparation of the mixture is quite easy. You have to grind two tablespoons of black pepper finely. Mix it with one cup of yogurt. Go on to apply the mixture on the scalp. Well, wait for at least one hour, before you wash it out. The only thing that you have to take care is that both yogurt and black pepper that you use are fresh - that is all.

    Use Olive Oil: Olive Oil is a great option if you have the opportunity to use it on a continuous base. As you might have known already, olive oil is indeed a great moisturizing agent and has tremendous usage in clearing out dandruff. The interesting feature about olive oil is that it moisturizes the scalp out there in and prevents it from flaking. With olive oil has many such qualities that put an end to the issues affected with dandruff, a major thing that you would find useful is as follows - use olive oil with a bit of warm, (but not hot enough to burn you). It would be better to massage your scalp in a circular motion using a bit of olive oil, when you are going to bed; wash it out in the morning with the help of a shampoo as well. However, make sure that the oil in your hair attracts huge chunk of dust out there.

    Lemon Juice with Coconut Oil: Here comes another interesting option to combat dandruff. The scientific explanation of the usage of lemon goes like this - as lemon juice with its acidic nature helps to maintain the pH balance of the scalp. On the other hand, coconut oil has all the properties attached with a conditioning agent. If you are up to make a mixture out from these two elements, make sure that you have taken lemon juice and coconut oil in the ratio of 1:5. That is for every teaspoon of lemon juice, use 5 teaspoons of coconut oil. Allow your scalp to rest for at least half an hour when you applied the mixture on it. Then wash it off.

    Aloe Vera: Having many features pinned to the name, aloe vera is a great warrior against dandruff with its antifungal and antibacterial properties. This natural remedy, when used for continuously, can really help you not only to kill the flakes, but also provide an all round freshness to your head. Leave your head for about fifteen minutes, after applying aloe vera, followed by washing it of. Aloe vera is also useful in the sense that it removes the dead skin, thus not allowing to appear as dandruff flakes later.

    Neem: With properties such as antibacterial and antifungal, neem is another great option, which you could avail for removing dandruff flakes. In order to make a medicine out from neem leaves, boil them for an hour and prepare a paste. Apply the paste on your scalp and go for half an hour rest. Then, as said above, wash it off clearly. Neem leaves are also a great option to successfully treat many issues that affects the scalp such as lice.

    Vinegar: Vinegar helps you to cope with dandruff in such a way that it has a high amount of potassium in it. By treating the dry skin, it help you to reduce the commonly seen problem associated with dandruff - itching. Make a mixture out from vinegar and water that is the ratio 1:8. In order to allow vinegar to treat your scalp, allow it to get through deeply to through the scalp. Use it before shampooing.

    Baking Soda: Baking soda can be helpful to kill the dandruff flakes and remove them from your scalp. Some of the major qualities that baking soda possesses is the removal of dead skin and excess oil that ultimately leads to dandruff as well. While adding one teaspoon of baking soda to the shampoo that you use helps you to get rid of the dandruff flakes from your scalp within no time; that is, it works out in big time that you can achieve the result of removing the flakes three times, with the use of baking soda for a single time. Extremely useful, right….!
As you can see…, the above mentioned seven items work wonders in big time and you can definitely see the huge change that appears in your scalp during the seven days that you use them.


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