The New Stuff

Baby Skin Care

In an age, where skin problems continue to create long term problems for you - the grown ups, think about babies...! With nothing known about what to do in order to kick away the problems, the children know just one thing - to reach out you as soon as possible and find a solution. Coz, for them, you are the one who can make them back to the normal state. Well, in order to show that their beliefs about you are right, here are some remedies that could be applied for the betterment of your baby's skin.

Dryness of skin is a common problem that can be seen in babies. It can be seen during winter conditions as well as that in summer periods as well. While the cold - dry weather causes dryness, the role for the same during summer is that of excessive heat (which can be from the heat air, sun) and from air conditioning as well....! In order to cope with dryness, you can take care of some small things that you often forget to.

A bit care while bathing: Doing so gives you a lot of pleasure, right..? However, please do have a look for some care here as you are most probably going to remove the natural skin oil present in the baby's skin during the process. So, in order to prevent these problems, you might prefer a quick bath for your baby in a warm water (Be cautious not to have hot water instead of warm water). Apply only mild cleanser that is PH neutral. They don't have the hardness usually found in regular bathing soaps and are much gentle too.

Oil bath: This is a great remedy to be applied after bathing the baby. Applying a small layer of light oil after the baby's skin got out from the water content, can help her/him to get hydrated. Using vegetable oils can be a good option as they usually are high with essential fatty acids. However, make sure that the oil coat is not that thick, which will lead to further problems for your child's skin. So, avoid overusing it as well.....!

Safe play with weather: As you go through various weather conditions, know that your baby too is going through the same and also be aware of the fact that they won't be able to cope with as you do. So, be aware of their skin condition and act according to that. While it is winter out there, cover your baby well in order to protect him/her from getting dried up. However if it is summer that is making your child a bit uneasy, then look for some moisturizer that suits your' baby's skin. It is extremely important not to allow your baby gets sunburn as well.

Moisturizers with care: Applying moisturizer too has a lot to do with the kind of attention you pay for selection of the type of it. It is you who have to decide which type of moisturizer that goes well with your baby. If it is thick that you prefer, go and consult a pediatrician to know if your child's skin is that much dry. However, you are not advised to apply a moisturizer that is too thick in nature and go for moisturizing twice a day instead.
Well, as is the case with the above mentioned items, these are the ones that come associated with normal cases. Well, if your witness any marked difference in the normal texture of your baby, have a look for the following ones, which will all help you to restore it to the back position.

                  An alternative to soap: Having said that you are required to use gentle soaps instead of regular ones, it too at times might not suit the skin condition of your baby. In that case, powder of green gram mixed with civet musk turmeric can be a good solution. In fact civet musk turmeric offers a wide variety of options with which it can be applied for the goodness of your baby’s skin. It can be applied along with milk powdered cus cus and badam powder. Some other options are fresh ground turmeric mixed with coconut oil, turmeric powder with lemon juice, beetroot juice with turmeric powder etc. Grated tomato pulp too is another great option.

                 As is the case with the skin care of your child, it deserves utmost care from you. After all, it is you who can make it alright or go awry….!


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