The New Stuff

Appendicitis in children

Appendicitis occurs due to a disordered intestinal process and lead to serious issues. The disease, which occurs for everyone despite changes in sexes, can be a great cause of concern when it comes to the case of children. The appendix is a small tube that is attached to the large intestine. Once appendix is blocked, then it can form bacterial and will soon overgrow. This happens when the affected appendix doesn't moves. Though appendix is not contagious, it is one of the most common diseases that the children undergo, especially during their teenage.

The reason for catching appendix varies from a toxic bowel condition to that of an unexpected blockage of a hard piece of fecal material.

While dealing with the common symptoms of the disease, we can enlist the following ones:

Children complaining about repeated abdominal pain, either on the lower part of the abdomen or around that of the bellybutton. The pain usually begins at the center of the abdomen and gradually gears to the lower right side.

Child may vomit and always lose appetite.

Fever: Fever might not be severe in effect, but will have definite impact on children especially during the tough times.

Well, in the case of small children, we can notice that they have developed a bloated abdomen.

If the above mentioned symptoms arrive jointly, then you don’t need to think twice before consulting a doctor. Well with the passage of the time, the child may get severe fever and may lead to an endangered condition.

While the child is experiencing severe pain, the first thing that you have to do is to allow him to take rest. The following steps can be adopted before going to the medical aid. However, you should definitely avail the service of a doctor if conditions get worsened.

Plenty of Water: Allow him / her to have plenty of water and there is no problem in giving something that is cool enough. Take for example the case with fruit juices.

No Solid food: As we mentioned earlier, the child should not be given any food items other than that in the form of liquid state. That is a complete avoidance of solid foods for at least two days.

Apply enema: In order to clean the bowel, you can go for applying low enemas. However, it must be followed only according to the condition of the child. If the child is in the starting stages of the pain, there is no problem; otherwise, it should be done only after consulting with a doctor. Use warm water for the purpose.

Green Gram: Green gram soaked water is a good option during this stage. Well, one or two teaspoons
of the water is advisable to give to the child for three to four days on a continuous base.

Butter Milk: Consuming butter milk is preferred if the child is in chronic stages of the disease.


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