The New Stuff

What is Cholesterol?

The word cholesterol gives a bit of tension to everyone. Because high blood cholesterol can create problems for your dear heart and vascular system and high blood pressure. Actually cholesterol is needed for your body. Only when the balance is affected, problems arise. So a proper knowledge about cholesterol is essential. HDL or High Density Lipoprotein is good cholesterol and reduce heart attack and stroke risks. Low Density Lipoprotein is bad cholesterol and increases the risks for all these. When there is imbalance, it will clog arteries and cause health issues. 

Heart Diseases

Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)
is the biggest threat for those with high cholesterol level. They may have high LDL in blood. The arteries are narrowed due to LDL hardening them. Blood flow to and from heart is reduced or blocked; you get pain in chest or a heart attack.  If HDL is very less, that can also cause CHD.

Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) is another disease when this plaque caused by cholesterol builds up in other places inside your body apart from the vital organ, heart. It is commonly found in arteries that carry blood to your feet and legs. It has to be treated on time else may cause numbness and tissue death.
Stroke is another word feared by all. This is dangerous as it affects the other main vital organ, your brain. When this dangerous plaque narrows blood supply and blocks arteries in the brain, stroke occurs. Oxygen to brain will be cut off and a serious toll on your health may occur. 

Hypertension or High Blood Pressure may happen if the blood cholesterol level is high. When blood flow is narrowed due to plaque, heart has to work harder than usual and pressure is increased to pump blood. So the blood pressure becomes high which is not healthy.

Type 2 Diabetes affected people should check their cholesterol levels as this disease is a silent killer. It will lower HDL and increase LDL which can be dangerous and lead to all above mentioned problems.


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