The New Stuff

Tips to lose weight after child birth

Worried about all the excess baby fat? Want to get back to your old shape? The first thing that comes to your mind is diet. But do not. Punishing yourself without eating your favourite foods might actually cause to gain weight as you are stressed. Eat healthy when you are hungry, but have a balanced diet. Keep healthy snacks like apple slices etc. If you are breastfeeding, you need a minimum of 1,800 calories per day.

When you are a mother and nursing, you need the best nutrition. Pick foods with heavy nutrients but less calories and fat. Fish is a good choice as it has a very essential omega-3 fatty acid called DHA which is good for your baby’s brain and neural development. Tuna, salmon etc. are great sources of DHA. Breastfeeding helping in weight loss is still a debatable issue. 

Don’t over eat even if you are breastfeeding. Drink water. Hydrate well. Dehydration is much worse than you think. It also helps you control your hunger to a certain extent. Going to bathroom every four hours means you are drinking enough.

Diet comes hand-in-hand with exercise. You have to do aerobic exercises to keep your bones and muscles strong. Do strength training exercises too. Exercise helps to leave depression, stress, and gives good sleep apart from weight loss benefits.

Good sleeps is tough with your baby around but try to get at least seven or eight hours of sleep. Cortisol, stress hormones etc. can cause weight gain. It is released when you are tired. Sleeping with your baby i.e. when she/he sleeps is a good idea. At least you can sleep uninterrupted for that time. Nap during day if you get a chance. Getting expert advice from a doctor/ dietician is also a good option.


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