The New Stuff

Tips to increase Calcium intake of Women

Calcium is very essential for women in all stages of her life. It is essential for the development of teeth, bones, blood clotting and the functioning of nerves. According to various studies, Calcium is also good to prevent cancer, control diabetes, high blood pressure etc.The major problem of middle-aged women is osteoporosis. Calcium has a major role in preventing the same. Pregnancy and lactation leads to the decrease of Calcium in your body. But nobody really notices this or checks their food or takes calcium supplements. Milk, cheese, groundnuts, greeny leafy vegetables etc. are good sources of calcium. It is also present in egg and liver.It is a must to include all this especially after turning 30.

Make sure to give calcium-rich food to teenage girls. Those who dislike cow/goat milk can have soya milk. Yogurt is also rich in Calcium. Calcium is also present in other milk products. Women above 50 need Calcium the most. Especially when menopause comes, estrogen hormone production decreases and bones become weak. Absorption of Calcium also decreases. So they have to take calcium and Vitamin D supplements. (Vitamin D is essential to absorb Calcium). Calcium supplements are recommended for pregnant women. It is good to continue the same during lactation. Try to drink a glass of milk in mornings and evenings.


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