The New Stuff

Acupuncture-The Chinese way of Treatment

Acupuncture is a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and a form of alternative medicine. The word ‘acupuncture’ is derived from the words ‘Acus’ meaning ‘Needle’ and ‘Punctura’ meaning ‘to puncture’. In your body skin, there are some acupuncture points and those points are stimulated using very thin needles. It is practiced in different countries in different ways. Heat, laser light and pressure are applied to skin. Acupuncture is mostly used in relieving pain.

Acupuncture is based more on philosophy than science. Examining the tongue and taking the pulse of both arms is how the clinical examination happens. A single treatment plan in Acupuncture lasts for some months with a total number of about twelve treatments. About twenty needles are inserted to the skin and left for about twenty minutes.


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